Friday 8 February 2013

My First Revlon nail polish (Passionate Pink- Colorstay)

So, I always come across the Revlon nail polishes in the Watson ( a drugstore in Singapore) frequently. I always wanted to try that brand but none of the colors caught my eyes.

                  Yet, I found this amazingly cotton candy like cute pink polish!

Although I have a range of Pink polish shades, this shade is new to me and wait, take a peek at how lovely the name is!
Passionate Pink! yeah!  I'm so gonna wear it for coming Valentine's day (Not that I have any special plan to do! haha!)

I love the brush of this brand but I'd prefer the Sally Hansen's brush better! 
 But trust me, the job gets done with just one stroke!

So, this is just the overview of what it looks like after it dries.
Love it! I'd buy more! haha!

♥'til then! ♥

1 comment:

  1. I have pink revlon at home as well - almost the same colour - 185 Sweet Tart - and I LOVE IT! Revlon are one of my favourit cuz' they're good but not so expensive - I wear all the time Revlon 310 Timelees (it's grey).
